how old do you have to have to get a hip replacement? 28? I feel like I could use one tonight!! Just kidding not that bad, my hip is just killing me! This new workout my personal trainer (myself) has me on is killing me! Guess you shouldn't run right before bed and then get up first thing in the morning and hike. I will note that for next time.
one more Iced Coffee deprived day........
did anyone get a chance to see the "Crystal Darkness" campaign show tonight? I am pretty sure it only aired in Arizona. I wanted to see it so bad but I had to work. hopefully somebody I know got a chance to record it. They acted like it should have a big impact on the community to help those doing or people with family and friends who do meth. Just wondering what the reviews of it actually were. worth showing to teens? Think it was effective?
well off to the spa to relax my hip............
Auto Palace Spořilov Volvo
4 years ago
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