It's that time of year again!! Hot weather = OTTER POPS!! I think I eat at least 10 a day!! I can't get enough!! I get the 200 count box at Sam's.
Does anyone love this all time favorite as much as I do?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
My Summer Love
Posted by Jen at 9:49 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Relationship OVER!
Don't worry guys.... just the VANILLA ICED COFFEE AND I! Today was my second one since my commitment. I think I drank a 1/4 of it then I felt shaky and sick to my stomach. I have been cutting caffeine all together so having the coffee just was way too much for my system! Guess when your body learns to function without something, it goes crazy when you try to put it back in it. Hmmm should I ebay the last coupon? ok so I may not get much for it!.....ok so never mind!
Ok well off to bed. gotta fun day planned tomorrow! Gotta get my gray hairs colored, lunch, a massage, and then a night of bowling with the fam!
Posted by Jen at 9:54 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Go Fish Guys
Friday night we did a 1st. We went with Taylor's friend Dara to see the Go Fish Guys. If you haven't heard of them, they are a music group for young kids. They say they won't bore the parents either. It was better than David and I thought it was gonna be. Some catchy songs. LOL Don't worry Jim, you can listen to them in a couple of weeks when we see you. YOU will LOVE them! It was right up the kids alley.
check out some of their stuff on you tube:
Posted by Jen at 9:13 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
It's been classified....
Well the great thing about my business is that if you ever need answers, I will be able to find a client that can give them to me. After I almost stepped on a snake 7 months ago while I was hiking, I told my client who works for Game and Fish and he told me the next time I saw one to take it's picture and send it to him so he could tell us what kind it was. so here is the actual picture we got. I have been informed that it was a long-nosed snake, Rhinocheilus Lecontei. (harmless constrictor; eats mice, lizards, etc.) see everyone,......nothing to be worried about!! We were on the lookout this morning but no luck! He must have still been in bed!!!
Posted by Jen at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Just when you think you can't run anymore, Run faster!"
We just received the email link to the Pat's Run race that the boys did on Saturday. here is the link to Tay's race pictures!! He was taking his race seriously!!! I like it!! Keep it up Tay!
If you can't see the whole link address, his bib number is 19 or you can look him up by last name.
Posted by Jen at 11:55 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
That's Nature For Ya!
This morning as I was hiking, we turned the corner to find a snake like this! The last time we saw one, we were too surprised to take it's picture. We remembered today but of course it was on the cellphone so it didn't turn out good. As long as we see ones like these and not rattlesnakes, I am good!! But here comes the warm weather so I will keep both eyes on the ground!!!!!
Posted by Jen at 8:46 AM 5 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Here Comes the ToothFairy!
Take a good look at that smile cause pretty soon, it's gonna look different! This morning when Tay was brushing his teeth he started yelling "Mom Mom my tooth is finally loose!!!!" He was so excited! He had to run in and tell David and call his Aunt Lisa and Uncle James. I think he may have been bouncing off the walls!! In the mean time I had to keep from crying!!! My baby is growing up!!!! This is like a whole new phase! (The GOOFY phase! but we all had that phase right?!?!?) He is excited though because more than half his class has lost 2 or more teeth.
So how long now do you think till it actually comes out? I can't remember how fast they come out.
Posted by Jen at 9:02 AM 5 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Well it Happened!
1 Coupon down!
It was good but I actually think I will be ok to just continue my once a week Coffee........ I felt like I undid the hour and 15 on the mountain. It is amazing how even after a short time of telling your body it doesn't want or need something, it starts to listen! Yikes.. I learn more and more about how powerful the brain is! (even mine! LOL) So Lisa, don't worry about treating me to an iced coffee everyday I am there, cause I am sure Jim won't be taking me out for a jog! LOL
Today was so fun, my mom and I went to the Women's Expo. I love just walking around checking out the latest and the greatest, SHOPPING, and getting freebies! Crowded but I didn't have to push a stroller through it so IT WAS FUN! If I had one more person try to get me to come to their timeshare booth though, I was gonna scream!! Besides that, a fun afternoon with Mom.
P.S. thanks mom & dad for being great sports about letting off gas in Mcdonalds! The weird looks from strangers were well worth the laughs from the boys!
Not enough time in the day though cause now I want a nap! Guess I should have been taking one instead of writing this! Maybe I will "relax my eyes" a few minutes before the teens get here.
Posted by Jen at 4:36 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Just Hours Away!!!
I am just hours away from...... yep you guessed it!!! VANILLA ICED COFFEE FROM MCDONALDS!!! 10 hours to be exact! Hiking at 6am and then the delightful beverage is MINE! I am wondering if it is going to taste as good as I have worked it up to be?! If it doesn't, wouldn't that be a blessing! oh well I will let you know!
Tonight we went to Peter Piper Pizza and my boys have discovered a classic.......David and I were dying tonight! Taylor and Trevor laughed so hard about the noise that this balloon could make. Unbelievable! Finally a toy from Peter Piper that lasts more than 5 minutes after we leave the place. (P.S. Grandma and Papa, go along with it at breakfast tomorrow! You might be producing some strange gas! but you didn't read it here!)
Posted by Jen at 10:02 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Fun Run
Back in March Taylor actually did the 5k with us and he wasn't in the stroller... I think that was a bit much for him. It left a bad taste with him about these races that mom and dad sign him up for. He ran through the finish line at the half way mark and the poor guy thought he was done! But mean Aunt Lisa had to correct him and tell him to keep going!!! hahaha! Ever since that race he hasn't really been asking when the next race that he gets to do is going to be.
Well tomorrow Taylor tries again!!! Daddy, Taylor and Trevor are doing the Tillman run in Tempe. This one won't be so bad for him, the boys are gonna be in the stroller for the 4.2 miles and Daddy gets to run that part while pushing them! But after that race, Taylor will get to run in the kid's run which is only .42 of a mile. So this morning Taylor and I ran up to the little mini mart up the street so he could warm up for his race tomorrow. I had to prove to him ahead of time that he was not running as far tomorrow! He is finally confident in running again!! I am bummed that I can't be there..... gotta work :(!
Good Luck Guys!!! You guys are an awesome team!!! :)
Posted by Jen at 8:59 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Is it Sunday Yet?
So my challenge to myself is going good so far! I have yet to still sip on my iced coffee! I have also done my jogging along with my hiking! Is this bad?....Just when I think I could skip out on the jog, I remember I have to answer to my Blogger! would that make Blogger my accountability partner? whatever works right?!?!?! 3 more days and coupon 1 of 3 will be getting used!! Wonder if it will still taste good to me on it will! :)
Give it up for Trevor! He is so into taking pictures these day. Both these pictures were taken by a camera on a tripod and he goes and sets the timer and runs and jumps in where he wanted us to pose. He's a natural! And oh boy, the way a Dad will pose because his adorable 3 year old told him to hold that pose! "Yes Sir Trevor!"
Posted by Jen at 8:34 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A New Day!!! :)
FYI after 30 minutes in the spa last night, a great nights sleep, and a good jog this morning... my hip no longer needs a replacement! hurray!!!
Posted by Jen at 8:12 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Hip Replacement?
how old do you have to have to get a hip replacement? 28? I feel like I could use one tonight!! Just kidding not that bad, my hip is just killing me! This new workout my personal trainer (myself) has me on is killing me! Guess you shouldn't run right before bed and then get up first thing in the morning and hike. I will note that for next time.
one more Iced Coffee deprived day........
did anyone get a chance to see the "Crystal Darkness" campaign show tonight? I am pretty sure it only aired in Arizona. I wanted to see it so bad but I had to work. hopefully somebody I know got a chance to record it. They acted like it should have a big impact on the community to help those doing or people with family and friends who do meth. Just wondering what the reviews of it actually were. worth showing to teens? Think it was effective?
well off to the spa to relax my hip............
Posted by Jen at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Family Night
Do these ducks look familiar? Yes these are the same ducks Trevor and I came upon the other day. Taylor wanted to see what all the excitement was about. So tonight we loaded up the stroller with a picnic dinner and headed over to the park. (don't worry I got my jog in!) It was so fun sitting in the grass and watching the ducks while we ate. the boys couldn't wait to be done so they could feed the ducks the hotdog buns we brought. I think we had the whole pond's attention! I hope I remember these beautiful nights in July and August when it is way hot here! Do these days have to end? I think so, today it got to 95 degrees hello summer! let's make the most of it!
One more successful day down. jogging and no iced coffee. :) can't believe I just smiled at the lack of Iced Vanilla Coffee!
Posted by Jen at 8:37 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Finding Nemo & Temptation
Today I decided to take the kids to Disney's Finding Nemo On Ice! It was awesome!! a way better production than when I was a kid! can I just say technology has come a long way! to go it probably costs triple what it did years ago too!! Can't believe how many parents can justify spending $22 on a lighted spinning toy! yikes!!! that is almost the price of another ticket!!!! crazy!!
I also have to add that I HAVE BEEN TEMPTED TODAY! After my commitment in my last blog.... I noticed on the back of our 3 tickets that each ticket is worth a "buy any menu item at McDonald- receive a FREE MEDIUM ICED COFFEE!!!" According to my math, those coupons will last me 3 weeks right!?!? don't worry, this won't be one of those times that I buy something just cause I have a coupon! is it a coincidence that those coupons were on the back??
Well had a great time with Lisa and all the kids!........ Better go tuck my coupons away for a later date!
Posted by Jen at 4:29 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Metabolism+Years= NOT FAST!
Where is my metabolism going??? has anyone seen it? It was like as soon as the clock struck 28yrs old, my eating habits must change. Now I have heard everybody has an age at which point their metabolism is not what it once was. but 28?!?!?!? I do have to admit that around my 28th birthday I was sick so my progress in running took a hit! ok so maybe that's what it was.... hmmm...well anyways back on track....I know David gets sick of hearing me complain about me not physically being where I want to be. So on this 12th day of April I am making a commitment to run at least 3 days out of the week on top of my 3 days of hiking. I am going to get back into it and on track! oh yah and I ............. ok this won't be easy....... WILL LIMIT MY ICED VANILLA COFFEES FROM MCDONALDS TO ONLY ONCE A WEEK! ahhhh. I put it in writing so here we go! better get to bed gotta get the mountain in before church.......
Posted by Jen at 10:26 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
2 More Brothers!!!
Tonight was awesome!! Tons of people came over tonight so we could have a party and witness Matt and KC getting baptized! I don't know what to say about those 2! they are some awesome guys who know how to have a good time but can really settle down and work if the situation calls. (I didn't say quiet down!) I am glad they made their decision! Congrats guys!
Ok and then even after you have snacked till your stomach's content, there's always room for Sonic!!! and don't forget the fun family time!!!
Posted by Jen at 9:44 PM 3 comments
Just Like Mom
So we took Trevy in this morning and he is within his range of where they want them to be at 3!!!! He basically needs to try and slow down when he is trying to talk. I mean he sees me talk a mile a minute so maybe I need to slow down too! He does what he sees! He goes back in again in 6 months to be re-evaluated but they are pretty sure he will progress like he should. So I guess it is off to the preschool where he will be known as "Taylor's Brother"! When he graduates I will buy him his own cap and gown though, I won't make him re-wear Tay's!Today is turning into a great day! :) great news about Trev and 2 baptisms at my house tonight! :) church is all comin over to celebrate 2 of our teens getting baptized and enjoy some dessert and coffee!! Matt and KC, You guys rock!!!!
Posted by Jen at 10:34 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
It's Not Picking a College!
So in the morning, David and I have to take Trevor in to have him screened for preschool. I am nervous, anxious, excited, and whatever else a mom could feel. As a mom you have certain plans for your kids!.... Which sometimes are not the plans God has picked out for you! I had already enrolled Trevor in the preschool that Tay went to but in the morning we are taking him to the public school to have him screened for speech. Since he was 2 they wanted to have him screened but I was really defensive! not my son!!! so at his 3 year check up I had made my mind up that if they asked me to take him and have him screened, I wouldn't argue or get defensive. well guess what.... They said I needed to take him. So Finally tomorrow, we will find out what our next road will look like. Will it be going to the public school where he can get specialized help in speech or the preschool that I think he should go to just so he can have the same opportunity that Tay had? You know me, I am ready to know already!
Posted by Jen at 9:19 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Enjoy Life
As my kids are unfortunately getting older by the day, I am realizing that time is flying by!! let me let you in on a little secret..... I was ok with sending Taylor to preschool but I am gonna have a hard time sending Trevor! I may even shed a little tear the first day I drop him off! Why just for Trevor? ...No it isn't that I love him more!... it is the reality that I am not gonna have "any kids at home during the day with me"! When I took Tay to his first day of school It was Trevor and I pulling away! When I take Trev, It is gonna just me SOLO!!!! what am I gonna do with my time? I mean it isn't tons of time, we are only talking 2 1/2 hours a day here!
ok well before I start crying about that last paragraph...LOL..... let me get to my point. Today after I went to the bank, I wasn't so lucky to get in the left hand lane, so I had to make a right turn instead and work my way back. We drove through a neighborhood that I am not so familiar with so I just kept trying to work my way out of it. All of a sudden I hear Trevor happily yelling "Duckies Duckies!!" He seemed so excited, I just wanted to find my way out of the neighborhood and get home. But as I looked at the tons of ducks and the beautiful weather, I asked Trev if he wanted to stop. "yah yah" he said. so we got out and we must have spent 30 minutes just watching the ducks and fish. What a great time, just sitting in the grass feeling the breeze and watching some amazing ducks. they are so funny! Sitting out there watching Trevor made me realize that life goes way too fast and sometimes you need to slow down and enjoy what God has placed in front of you at that moment! thanks Trevor for another lesson! SLOW DOWN!
Posted by Jen at 2:57 PM 4 comments